Girvan Sprouts Two Whiskies In April
April has brought two more single grain whisky expressions from the Girvan Patent Still Single Grain – the No. 4 Apps and 30-Year-Old. The No.4 Apps is a 42% alcohol content [84 proof] non-age statement whisky carrying a name that refers to the distillery shorthand for Apparatus Number 4 which, in this particular case, is a vacuum-distilled apparatus that has been in operation since 1992. Vacuum-distilled whiskies tend to produce lighter whisky notes and No. 4 Apps will be boasting candied fruit can cream notes with a hint of oak.
Meanwhile, the Girvan 30-Year-Old emerges from its American Oak barrels in full force at 42% alcohol content [84 proof] with tannin and woody, spicy notes that ultimately reveal honey, orange, toffee and fudge flavors.
The Girvan Patent Still Single Grain No. 4 Apps goes for $75 while the Girvan 30-Year-Old goes for $625. Both are available in the USA, UK, Europe and Asia beginning in April 2014.