Old Whisky Ads
I’m in a bit of a nostalgic mood today, as us old fools sometimes are, and as such I decided to search the web for, well, anything old. Inevitably I ended up looking at whisky related websites and I thought I’d share one with my trusty readers – those of you who are as old as me, or perhaps older, will surely enjoy the nostalgia, I thought. I looked at a few other websites as well, but mainly found corporate talk and sales pages.
Anyway, what I thought I’d share is this fun collection of old whisky ads. My personal favorites in this particular collection are the “What a Scotch! […] White Horse… Of course!” and “Towers above them all –MARTIN’S V.V.O the Scotsman’s Scotch” posters. I don’t know what the scotch tape ad is doing in there, though! By the way, how much better were ads in the past? Much more feeling, cleverness and so much more artistic – everything you see today seems to revolve around either long legs and scantily clad bottoms, bare breasts or robots!
Feel free to drop further nostalgic links in the comments box, if you happen to know of any, as I couldn’t really find as much as I’d hoped.