National Scotch Day
I received an e-mail a couple of days ago informing me that July 27th is National Scotch Day. It would seem that national scotch day is an American celebration, and I’ve never actually heard of it before… So I decided to give it a quick Google to see if I could find out more, which unfortunately I could not. All I found was the odd post on various blogs where people mentioned National Scotch Day, with one site claiming that it is, in fact, on the 22nd rather than the 27th of July. What these blogs and sites all had in common is that National Scotch Day seemed new to them, too.
It would seem, then, that National Scotch Day, or rather whoever is behind the event, needs to go about marketing it a bit better, and make it clear when it actually is. So far as I’m concerned, though, there is only one solution to the problem, and that is to raise a celebratory drink on both the 22nd and 27th.