For March Madness, MacAllan 12 Hits Buzzer Beater…Again
Last year at this same time, WhiskyCritic was afflicted with the same disease – the notorious March Madness – and last year, WC sought out the same cure, a dollop of MacAllan 12-Year-Old.
Needless to say, it not only hit the spot but also eradicated the spot and made sure the spot didn’t lay any eggs and come back to produce more baby spots. In other, hopefully more succinct words – MacAllan makes any upset loss undulations or broken bracket blues disappear into a fine liquor-y mist of bliss – and this year was no different.
While MacAllan 18-Year-Old is, technically, our preferred MacAllan of Choice when it comes to selecting who will advance in our personal whisky bracket, the 12-Year-Old does a fine job of standing in for the 18-Year-Old if said 18-Year-Old is not available at the drinking establishment [which is sometimes is not].
The MacAllan 12-Year-Old will do in a pinch and it is sweet and delicate like a baby’s bottom coated with imaginary spikes – it hits hard but plays nice.
WC gives MacAllan 12-Year-Old a good grade, like we always do – this year an 89 out of 100.