The Balvenie’s Online Community
I stumbled upon The Balvenie’s online community a few days ago and found the idea interesting. The Balvenie’s Warehouse 24 is the distillery’s members area and it looks pretty neat! It took me a couple of minutes to sign up (although I’d prefer a shorter form with less questions) and there are some nice features. I was pretty sure to find some contests and giveaways of The Balvenie products and indeed there is a giveaway of a Balvenie Signature bottle. You can also take a virtual trip of the distillery or apply for a VIP real trip. However, the feature I liked the most is your virtual cellar where you can list the bottles that you own. We all have different needs when it comes to keeping track of your bottles but I think that this tool will be useful to some of you. A very good initiative from The Balvenie.
I highly encourage you to have a look at The Balvenie’s Warehouse 24.