Fuller’s Time Machine Takes You Back To 1966
If you were to pick out a year to go back to on your personal time machine, 1966 would not be a bad year to select – it was the year “Star Trek”’s first episode was on television, the mini-skirt was popular [for you male ooglers] and the Lamborghini Miura made its debut [with gasoline costing only 32 cents per gallon, mind you]. So, it perhaps comes as not much of a surprise that Fuller’s Ale picked 1966 as a year to recreate one of their strong ales in their “Past Masters” series. Fuller’s – the only traditional family brewery remaining in London – have a meticulous brewbooks archive which recorded the precise 1966 conditions as 56 degrees at 6am on the first day of brewing for their ruby-colored strong ale. This ultimately resulted in an ale that had a spicy banana aroma nose with a plum middle and a hinted caramel finish.
Fuller’s will be producing a limited release of its 7.3% alcohol content strong ale available for $7.25 per bottle at Fuller’s Ale Store.