Whisky Cocktail: Old Reakie Sneaky
Gather round, dear readers, gather round! Today is a most exciting day indeed, for a completely new being has come into existence; crafted by my own two hands! And what a magnificent being it is. Surpassed in warmth only by the whitest of lava; in beauty only by the magical splendor of that Disney classic, Fantasia; in taste.. well, ok, in taste it is arguably surpassed by a whole range of whiskies, but that’s an unfair comparison to make. What I’m trying to say here is that I came up with my own cocktail – if you can call it that – and I’d like to share it with all of you.
It’s as easy to make as marmite on toast, and on a cold winter’s day it’s at least as good – if not (dare I say it) better. What with Mr. Frost having finally realized that “oh crap, it’s winter!” (took his sweet time this year – I certainly don’t mind, though) I found myself, only 20 minutes ago, in dire need of a warming drink. After a bit of frantic rummaging through various cupboards, I created what is – and I’m sadly proud of this – called the Old Reekie Sneaky. Old Reekie is a nickname for Edinburgh, and the sneaky bit comes from the fact that to the naked eye the drink is nothing but a cup of tea. In reality, however, the recipe consists of:
- 2 parts strong tea – I used Scottish Blend, but ordinary breakfast tea would work just as well
- 1 part milk
- Just under 1 part Glayva whisky liqueur
- 1-2tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
- A very light sprinkling of cinnamon
Simply brew your tea, add in milk (warming it up a bit first is recommended, but not required), Glayva and lemon juice, and dust lightly with cinnamon – using ground cinnamon will make your life a lot easier, but feel free to dust it with cinnamon sticks if you fancy a bit more of a challenge. Next, sit back with a good book, inhale and exhale deeply, take a sip, and melt into your seat. Repeat once cup is empty. Feel free to leave a comment if you tried and liked my little drink; feel equally free not to if you tried and disliked it!