Meet JIM – The Talking Bourbon Decanter You’ve Always Wanted
At last, it is here – the talking bourbon decanter you have always wanted – courtesy of Jim Beam. The new voice-activated device is being sold by Jim Beam and can offer advice [albeit from a canned list of pre-programmed responses from Fred Noe, Jim Beam master distiller], but best of all, can actually dispense a shot of bourbon on voice-activated demand.
For example, when asking JIM what the weather is like, Fred/JIM responds with – “I have no idea, but I do know it’s the perfect weather to enjoy bourbon.”
Alas, as usual, there is a catch – JIM’s 3G capabilities will expire after about six months – leaving you with a shell of it’s former self.
JIM is available in limited quantities [one per customer] for pre-order for $34.99, from Jim Beam’s online store, with a promised delivery by December 15, 2017.